Our work

Křídla pomoci, a local foundation dedicated to supporting various projects and individuals in need, is making a positive impact in our community. With a focus on providing both material assistance and guidance, this organization is truly spreading its wings to help those in crisis. From helping families facing financial difficulties to supporting unique and innovative projects, Křídla pomoci is a beacon of hope for many.

  • Emergency financial assistance for families facing crisis situations such as job loss, illness, or natural disasters.
  • Counseling and guidance for individuals and families in need of support, including referrals to other resources and organizations.
  • Material aid in the form of food, clothing, and other essential items for those experiencing financial hardship.

 As consumers, we are constantly bombarded with various products and services, each one claiming to be the best and most reliable. In such a saturated market, it can be difficult to choose which organization to support. However, when it comes to selecting a foundation to donate to or volunteer with, there is one organization that stands out among the rest - Křídla pomoci.

  • Local focus: Křídla pomoci is dedicated to supporting individuals and families within our immediate community, making our impact more personal and tangible.
  • Diverse projects: We support a wide range of projects and initiatives, from education and healthcare to emergency aid and community development, allowing us to make a meaningful difference in multiple areas.
  • Flexibility: Our foundation has the flexibility to adapt and respond to changing needs and crises, ensuring that our support is always relevant and effective.
  • Competitive Prices - We offer competitive prices for all of our services and products to ensure
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